In need of help?

Catholic Mission Consulting for missions and ministries striving to do the Lord’s will

by Nathaniel Binversie, Former Director of Mission at Exodus 90.

“Most of us can picture ourselves on top of the mountain before us. The thought of being on top isn’t all that scary. It’s the unknown of what it takes to get there that makes it not only hard to take the next step, but increasingly paralyzing the more we think about it. It’s time to overcome those fears with a lot of grace and a little guidance“

-Nathaniel Binversie

Where are you?

Assess your mission.

What is the Lord asking of you? Has your work to achieve your mission fallen short, or stalled out? Is it effective, but not as effective, or simply not as efficient as it could be?

Open wide your hands.

We are taught to be self made men, to white-knuckle our way through challenges. If that isn’t working, then open your hands; it’s time to receive.

Watch it grow.

When we get out of our own way, seek fresh perspectives, and let the Lord lead us, impact & growth become limitless.

The Process

Free Assessment

The thought of consulting costs can be intimidating. Additionally, not everyone is a good fit for full service consulting. Step one is a free initial assessment to see if full service mission consulting is right for you.

Quality Time

Good consulting begins with time for you to share what God is asking of you. Either virtually or in person, you’ll spend time with Nathaniel sharing dreams, goals, and current processes. What do you picture as the mountain top and how have you been trying to get there?

Roadmap for Success

Mission isn’t just about having good intentions, it’s also about bearing good fruit. For this reason, your time will conclude with the delivery of a detailed roadmap that is agreeable, attainable, clear, and focused to aid you in successfully summiting that mountain with the right processes that free you to receive from God, and bear good fruit all along the way.

There’s nothing more impactful to the mission than knowing how to live the mission right.

Make the Call

Whether you are looking to get a mission off the ground or take an active mission to a place of greater efficiency and growth, today is the day to take that next step and schedule your free assessment.

Catholic Mission Consulting

by Nathaniel Binversie

Photos by: Nathaniel Binversie