Executive Coaching

Great leaders actively disposing themselves to even greater results.

The too common story of leadership in ministry.

You have an invaluable mission, a zealous heart, and you drive results. You thought you were an exceptional leader, and then you talked with your employees...

A Little Coaching

Sometimes we have all the tools we need, we just don’t quite know how to best use them. With coaching frequency options such as 30 minute weekly, 1 hour monthly, 2 hour quarterly, and variations in-between you or one of your employees can quickly plug into mission focused executive coaching no matter their work structure.

Goes A Long Way

Coaching can notably change you or your employees effectiveness in as little as 3 meetings. From root focused problem solving and practical process structuring to strength leveraged goal setting and end minded project completion skills, a little coaching can not only drive results for the mission, but for the good of company culture as well.

Executive Coaching

Only $200 an hour.