When is Someday?

It is no secret that just about everyone has a specific personal project that they really want to work on someday. I have one. I have many actually. But there is one in particular that I really have everything I need to start but I haven’t started yet. In fact, I’ve had everything I’ve needed to start this project since 2019, but I still haven’t started it. Why? Because it hasn’t been Someday yet. I know it isn’t Someday yet. I just checked the calendar. It’s February 15th, 2024 not “Someday.” 

When does “Someday” fall on the calendar anyway? Is it the 366th day of the year? Is it the leap year day perhaps? If so I guess I’d be in luck since this year is a leap year and that makes Someday just 2 weeks away. However, if that were the case, I should have started this project 4 years ago, 2020, the last leap year. But I didn’t. Why not? Maybe I was busy that day. Let’s check. 

The only thing on the calendar for that Saturday reads: “Play in the snow before it melts and build Frosty a Snowman.” What a delightful reminder of what my daughter used to call Frosty when she was just 2 years old. And playing outside with my only child at the time, what a good use of a Saturday. But was I busy that day? Was that “Someday”? 

Considering I get up well before my now six year old daughter still today, and her two younger sisters as well, means that I would have had time that Saturday morning to start this project. But I didn’t. So either I totally missed Someday that year, or that must not have been Someday. 

Neither this February 29th, nor the February 29th of 2020 are labeled “Someday” on any calendar I can find. Hmmm. I’m starting to think Someday isn’t actually a day. At least not a day that will simply show up on the calendar like, "Ready or not today’s Someday.” But of course that’s not what Someday is. So what does this mean for all those projects out there that are planned for Someday? What does that mean for my project?

I can’t speak for the world. I can’t speak for you and your projects. I can only speak for myself, and my project. If Someday isn’t printed on the calendar, or inserted there by Apple, Google, or the local government, then it is up to me to place it there. I must physically put Someday into one of the many boxes on the calendar. I suppose they do come with a lot of blank space for a reason. It’s time I use that blank space for more than just business meetings, dinner parties, and weddings of distant relatives. It’s time I make worthy personal projects a priority. It’s time I put Someday on the calendar. 

And so I am. I’m taking responsibility back into my own hands. I’m assuming anew the duties that are mine. I’m regaining the reign that only I can rightly possess, dominion over my own life, my own values, my own schedule, my own priorities. All excuses, concessions, and procrastinations stop here. “Someday” will be a vague and sterile date no longer. For I am giving it a name, I am placing it on a specific date, and I am holding myself to it. For me and my personal project, “Someday” is February 16th, 2024. 

When is your someday?

More about this project to come later this year. And that you can hold me to. 


Starting a Business is Boring