Without prayer the mission stands no chance. Without funds, the mission ceases to exist. We’ve gone forth. Will you back us up?

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“…but the laborers are few” Keep us in the field through your generous level of monthly support.

Anchor Level:

Highly Needed

Impact Level

Partner Level

Like the early Christians, we are not a 501c3, we are a family in complete reliance on the Lord, a family fully on mission. All Monthly Support is in the form of a monthly subscription. You choose how you can support, enter your payment info, and the mission is strengthened. Your security is of the utmost importance to our family. For this reason we process all payments securely through Stripe—the leading payment processing platform. Your support will be automatically processed monthly. You will receive ongoing updates from our family regularly. And you can cancel your recurring support subscription payments at any time.

Notes on Your Monthly Support Subscription